From Crazy to Hopeful: Live after You Lost your Sibling.

Are you so overwhelmed by the death of your sibling that you feel insane? In this course you will learn to bring energy back into the body, hope into the heart, clarity in the mind and connect with your inner guidance.
view_module Modules 7
menu_book Sessions 20

About This Product:

Do you feel like you are going crazy after loosing your sibling? Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning because, "what’s the point?" No energy to do the things you need to do? Being strong for you parents while neglecting yourself?
You are not alone anymore. This is all part of the grieving process. 
I will guide you through 4 steps to restore energy in your body, find hope to move forward, clarity to see a brighter future and listen to your inner guidance. 

In small, bite size increments, you will:

  • Define what grief means to you.
  • Restore your vitality.
  • Breathe through your feelings so they don’t get stuck.
  • Bracket your emotions when in public.
  • Visualize a hopeful future.
  • Settle into your new identity.
  • Listen to your inner guidance. 

This Course Includes:

5 Modules 
20 Session Worksheets
Bereaved Sibling Resources
Thursday night Live Zoom Peer Support Meeting

Module 1: What is Grief?

What you believe happens when you die effects if you can move forward or if you stay suck in the pain. Get clarity on your beliefs, define grief and learn a 4 step approach to managing it. 

Module 2: Step 1 - Energizing the Body

Without energy in the Body, nothing else is possible. Creating simple habits will help you get out of bed when the alarm goes off, provide better nutrition / hydration for vitality, simple movements to get your body going, and getting into a peak state putting you in the drivers seat of your emotions. 

Module 3: Step 2 - Hope in your heart

Emotions are just energy in motion & an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. When we cut ourselves off of our emotions, we experience the resistance of Pain. Learn to identify what you are feeling, breathe through the emotion so you can feel what you are feeling, bracketing your emotions when those waves come while you are out in public and find the hope on the other side of the Pain/Fear.

Module 4: Step 3 - Clarity in your Mind

Your grief makes you feel like you are insane because your brain is trying to restructure the world without your sibling. Where will you be in 1 year, in 5 years and 10 years? Practice answering the tough questions (Do you have any siblings? Do I use have or had when referring to my sibling?), plan for important life milestones (birthdays, anniversaries, death dates) and identifying how being a “Bereaved Sibling” is PART (not all) of who you are.

Module 5: Step 4 - Trusting your Inner Guidance

Once you have energy, hope and clarity, you will explore how this terrible situation can become your greatest gift. Once you learn to navigate the darkness, you can be a light for others. Focusing inward and shining outward. Get connected with your tribe and help others with your strength. You are unique and have a gift to give this world. What is it?

Your Guide:

In 1998 when my sister Lauren died in a car accident, in an instant my life would never be the same again. There were no resources for Sibling Grief. Parent Grief, Child Grief, Partner Grief, yes. But Sibling Grief was invalidated because “You have to be strong for your parents”. I spent years trying to figure this out on my own. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology and knew that talk therapy would not be enough. 
I am Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki, an energy healer, yoga teacher and essential oils educator. I knew I needed a multilevel approach involving body, heart, mind & spirit. So, I dove deep into my yoga practice to find the right combination of rituals and exercises that gives me the hope to thrive in my life. And now, they are available to you. With this program you can avoid the years of stumbling through the darkness and shorten those years to days. 

The contents of this training, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. The contents of this training are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Please consult your physician for personal medical advice.

Program Details

Welcome to the program.
Available Now

Beliefs About Death & Dying
Available Now
What is Grief?
Available Now
Body / Emotion / Thought / Spirit Model
Available Now

Creating Good Habits
Available Now
Fuel for the Body
Available Now
Available Now
Available Now

Ride the Wave of Emotion
Available Now
Emotional Staircase
Available Now
Bracketing Emotions
Available Now
Words from the Heart
Available Now

Bridge the Gap
Available Now
Create a Plan
Available Now
Daily Rituals
Available Now
Future Self
Available Now

Ask and it is Given
Available Now
Available Now
Service to Others
Available Now

Thank You
Available Now

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Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki lost his sister Lauren in a car accident in 1998. Through yoga, meditation and healthy lifestyle, he facilitates transformation and commits to empowering individuals with simple & effective tools to health.
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In June of 1998, he lost his sister Lauren in a car accident. Knowing that he needed more than talk therapy to deal with his grief, Jason turned toward a body centered approach. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness,healthy lifestyle and essential oils became that path towards recovery.

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki is a Somatic Grief Therapist, certified yoga educator, MA in psychology and dōTERRA Essential Oil Gold Leaders, who is passionate about facilitating transformation and committed to empowering individuals and families with simple & effective tools to naturally manage their mental, emotional and physical health.
Entrepreneur & business owner since 2000, and co-founded Shine Yoga Center in New Jersey, Jason draws on over 20 years of experience living a holistic lifestyle - incorporating yoga, meditation, essential oils, healthy eating, conscious communication & authentic relationship to help guide you to a place of greater joy & self awareness so that you can make healthier more fulfilling choices in your life. He travels nationally & internationally leading classes, workshops, retreats and educating about the benefits and powers of essential oils.
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