Sibling Connection: Communicate with the Non-Physical.

A meditation to say all the things left unsaid.
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About This Product:

Are there words trapped inside that you wish you had the opportunity to say to your sibling when they were still alive? Do you miss sharing your life with your sibling? In this short meditation, you will learn to use your intuition to communicate with your sibling, take the time to hear the answers and feel that their energy is always with you. 

Your Guide:
I am Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki, an energy healer, yoga teacher and essential oils educator. In 1998 when my sister Lauren died in a car accident, in an instant my life would never be the same again. There were no resources for Sibling Grief. Parent Grief, Child Grief, Partner Grief, yes. But Sibling Grief was invalidated because “You have to be strong for your parents”. I spent years trying to figure this out on my own. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology and knew that talk therapy would not be enough. 
I needed a multilevel approach involving body, heart, mind & spirit. So, I dove deep into my yoga practice to find the right combination of rituals and exercises that gives me the hope to thrive in my life. And now, they are available to you. With this short meditation,  you will be able to tell your sibling everything that is locked in your heart.

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Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki lost his sister Lauren in a car accident in 1998. Through yoga, meditation and healthy lifestyle, he facilitates transformation and commits to empowering individuals with simple & effective tools to health.
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In June of 1998, he lost his sister Lauren in a car accident. Knowing that he needed more than talk therapy to deal with his grief, Jason turned toward a body centered approach. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness,healthy lifestyle and essential oils became that path towards recovery.

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki is a Somatic Grief Therapist, certified yoga educator, MA in psychology and dōTERRA Essential Oil Gold Leaders, who is passionate about facilitating transformation and committed to empowering individuals and families with simple & effective tools to naturally manage their mental, emotional and physical health.
Entrepreneur & business owner since 2000, and co-founded Shine Yoga Center in New Jersey, Jason draws on over 20 years of experience living a holistic lifestyle - incorporating yoga, meditation, essential oils, healthy eating, conscious communication & authentic relationship to help guide you to a place of greater joy & self awareness so that you can make healthier more fulfilling choices in your life. He travels nationally & internationally leading classes, workshops, retreats and educating about the benefits and powers of essential oils.
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